Monday, March 31, 2008

National Fund "Culture" approves a project of Community Center " Cyril and Methodius"

In the competition of National Fund “Culture” for financing participation of representatives of Bulgarian culture and art in international cultural forums in foreign countries and visiting foreign managers and programmers in the area of culture and the arts for the Program for Cultural Contacts – Mobility – 2008 /session 1/, Community Center " Cyril and Methodius", Rakovski participated and was approved.

The project proposal from the community center , submitted to National Fund “Culture” under the name “International dialogue through ‘The Spring Night Behind the Masks’”, will be used to fund the forthcoming traveling of the kukeri collective from the community center to Budva, Montenegro, which will be carried out in the beginning of the month of May. The goal of this proposal project is for the kukeri collective to represent Bulgarian culture and at the same time to accomplish a lasting intercultural dialogue between participants in the carnival in Budva, who represent non-governmental tourist and cultural organizations from all over Europe.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Drama - Kavala - Thassos Island

This is the route which we propose to you together with tourism firm "ILFI". The trip is two days for the price of 99 leva, which includes transportation from Plovdiv – a bus with climate control, video, and a minibar / one night of lodging including breakfast, a ferry boat taxi to Thassos Island, medical insurance for the period of travel.
The dates for the two-day trip are: March 29, April 4, May 24, and June 14

Travel with only your personal identification card for the promotional price!

Visit picturesque places!

We are taking orders!

We’re waiting for you!

130 Years Since the Liberation of Bulgaria

130 years since the liberation of Bulgaria from Turkish slavery is the theme of the exhibit which opened today at community center “ Cyril and Methodius”, Rakovski.
It covers the period from the creation of the BRCC (Bulgarian Revolutionary Central Committee), through the preparation of the April uprising and ultimately its suppression. On display are some pictures representing the cruel atrocities that occurred in the Bulgarian villages after the suppression of the insurgency and the following actions – the calling of the Istanbul Conference, the explosion of the Russian-Turkish liberation war, the role of Bulgarian volunteers in the war and the dismemberment the Bulgarian lands after the climax of the liberation war.
The exhibition is hung in the lobby of the community center, where there is a display area, and everyone who wishes may visit the exposition.

Happy 3rd of March to everyone!